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with I CAN FLY in Madeira - Paragliding

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  • Youtube page of @ICanFlyinMadeira
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  • Vimeo of @ICanFlyinMadeira

Explore Madeira Island from the sky

Paragliding in MADEIRA Island all year

Get ready to fly around Madeira Island. You will be able see stunning cliffs and typical villages from a bird's eye view. Madeira has a marvellous tropical weather. Take off in Paragliding from the highlands of Madeira Island, fly in stunning cliffs, in nature or in the city and small villages, depending on the weather conditions Madeira Island offers different types of flights.

Paragliden langs de kliffen op Eiland Madeira - Een unieke ervaring

Ontdek het eiland Madeira vanuit de lucht en ga eens paragliden!

#parapente #madeiraparagliding #Gleitschirmfliegen #paralotniarstwo #funchal #madeira #paragliding


Paraglider Pilot

Remi Peres from @icanflyinmadeira
Speak Portuguese - Madeira Paragliding
Speak French - Madeira Paragliding
Speak English - Madeira Paragliding

Remi Peres does Paragliding since 2011.

In October 2016, he went to the WIND Paragliding School to accomplish his dream to fly with passengers.

Certified with tandem license, he has been coming true the dream of his family and friends that want to fly.


“My goal, it's to bring more pilots to the modality and share the flight experience with everyone, by means of video footage and promote the Paragliding in Madeira Island.”


My favourite spots to go paragliding in Madeira

Madeira Paragliding Map - Spots

Vectorial picture by: Vecteezy 


A video is the best way to remember the flight forever


accessories that can be used in flight to capture extraordinary views perspectives

Drone - GoPro - Accessories


1 GoPro HERO12 Black

2 GoPro HERO11 Black

1 GoPro HERO11 Black Mini

Flugsau Magnet Mount for GoPro

SkyBean Chase XC for GoPro

Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)
Paragliding Tandem Flight in Madeira Island (Funchal / Cabo Girão / Madalena do Mar / Porto da Cruz)


Captura de ecrã 2024-09-06, às 09.05.32.png
I CAN FLY reviews on Google
I CAN FLY reviews on TripAdvisor

Remi doesn’t just take you paragliding, he takes you on a breath-taking unforgettable experience. Yesterday was my first time flying and I was quite nervous about it. He really guided me through it in a calm, kind and professional way, making sure I was ok at all times, making me feel super comfortable...


Passenger Selène flew with I Can Fly in Madeira - Paragliding
Belgium Flag - Paragliding Madeira

Es war eine tolle Erfahrung Madeira aus einer anderen Perspektive zu sehen! Der Flug an der Kueste und ueber dem Meer in Madalena do Mar war einfach wunderschoen. Auch wenn unser Flug am Anfang aufgrund schlechter Windverhaeltnisse verschoben werden musste, die Wartezeit war es wert! Remi bemueht sich sehr, flexibel auf die Wuensche der "Fluggaeste" zu reagieren...


Passenger Sebastian flew with I Can Fly in Madeira
Germany Flag - Paragliding Madeira

Volar parapente fue algo que siempre quise hacer, afortunadamente viví esta maravillosa experiencia con un gran piloto como lo es Remy de I Can Fly Madeira, muy profesional y responsable. Hice dos vuelos desde lugares distintos y fueron espectaculares, cuentan con muchos equipos de grabaciones, creo que son los únicos en la Isla que no cobran algo adicional por los videos...

Veronica Weffer

Passenger Veronica Weffer flew with I Can Fly in Madeira - Paragliding
Venezuela Flag - Paragliding Madeira




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"Paragliding is fun, safe and easy. However, more often than not, we don’t think of risks and for the unexpected to happen. They’re unexpected after all!"

07:00 - 23:00

Funchal, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal

I CAN FLY in Madeira - Paragliding (2016-2025) with concept by Remi Peres - PRIVACY POLICY

  • Instagram of @ICanFlyinMadeira
  • WhatsApp of @ICanFlyinMadeira
  • YouTube - I Can Fly in Madeira
  • TripAdvisor
  • Vimeo of @ICanFlyinMadeira
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